About us
About Atacama Nómade
Charting Paths Toward Sustainable Tourism
Nestled in the heart of the driest desert in the world, the ecotourism agency “Atacama Nómades” was born from the passionate vision of a group of enthusiastic tourism professionals who dreamed of sharing the unique beauty of San Pedro de Atacama in a respectful and sustainable way. This company emerged as a beacon of innovation in tourism, fusing adventurous exploration with an unwavering commitment to preserving the natural environment.
The story of Atacama Nómades began with the conviction that tourism could be a positive force for the region and its inhabitants. Inspired by the cultural richness and geographic diversity of San Pedro de Atacama, they decided to create experiences that would connect travelers in an authentic way with the land and its communities.
From day one, Atacama Nómades has been committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Its founders, passionate about conservation, worked closely with local experts to develop itineraries that will highlight the desert’s unique biodiversity while promoting the preservation of these fragile ecosystems.
Perfect Logistics
We handle all the logistical details of a tour, ensuring a worry-free and thoroughly enjoyable experience.
Variety of Tours
We specialize in offering a wide range of tours and treks, designed to suit your personal preferences and interests.
Continuous Support
We offer constant assistance during our tours to ensure your comfort and peace of mind at every moment of the experience.
The agency specializes in immersive excursions, taking travelers off the beaten path to discover secret landscapes, ancient petroglyphs and San Pedro de Atacama’s best-kept natural treasures. Guided by experts who know the area, visitors experience the magic of the desert in a way that goes beyond the superficial, generating a deep respect for the fragile beauty of this unique environment.
Atacama Nómades aims to position itself as a reference in responsible tourism in the region, working actively with local communities to promote sustainable development. From the choice of local suppliers to the implementation of eco-friendly practices.
Step by step, they continue to write the history of an ecotourism committed to the preservation and respect for the amazing natural environment of San Pedro de Atacama.
Our culture
Sustainable and Responsible Ecotourism
We unite a passion for adventure with a conservation ethic to lead change in tourism in San Pedro de Atacama. At Atacama Nómades, every expedition is an opportunity to educate and inspire, promoting ecological practices and community collaboration. We strive to be a model of responsible tourism, where conscious exploration and deep respect for nature guide all our actions and decisions.
Mission: Explore for Preservation
Discovering the secrets of San Pedro de Atacama through responsible and sustainable tourism.
Vision: Ecotourism Leaders
We seek to transform tourism into a positive force for the desert and its inhabitants.
Value: Innovation and Respect
Our pillars for a respectful interaction with our planet and its cultures.
Customer testimonials
Real travelers. Real stories. Real reviews to help you make the right decision.
Aventura Inolvidable en el Desierto
Desde el momento en que reservamos nuestro tour de trekking con esta agencia, sabíamos que estábamos en buenas manos. Los guías son expertos y apasionados por su trabajo, siempre dispuestos a compartir historias y datos sobre los paisajes únicos de Atacama. Cada día estaba bien organizado y superó nuestras expectativas. ¡Gracias por una experiencia memorable!
Excelencia en Atacama
Impresionante servicio al cliente y conocimiento del área. Nuestro tour por los geíseres del Tatio fue educativo y entretenido, gracias al guía que hizo un excelente trabajo explicando la geología del lugar. La caminata fue desafiante pero increíblemente gratificante, con vistas espectaculares que justificaban el esfuerzo. ¡Altamente recomendado!
Descubrimiento y Aventura
¿Buscas una mezcla de aventura y cultura? No busques más. Esta agencia combina ambas a la perfección. Nuestra visita a las lagunas altiplánicas fue simplemente mágica, y aprender sobre la cultura local añadió una capa extra de profundidad a nuestra experiencia. ¡Un tour que no olvidarás!
Paisajes de Otro Mundo
La excursión al Valle de la Luna fue como caminar en otro planeta. Los guías hicieron un gran trabajo al asegurarse de que todos en el grupo se sintieran seguros y cómodos, adaptando el ritmo según las necesidades del grupo. Las fotos que tomamos son increíbles, pero aun así no hacen justicia a la belleza del lugar. ¡Debes verlo por ti mismo!
Enter into the mystic San Pedro de Atacama
We have partnered with the best local guides to offer one of the best sightseeing experiences.