ciclismo en san pedro

The Best Cycling Routes in San Pedro de Atacama for All Levels of Experience

The Atacama Desert, a natural wonder of Chile, offers unforgettable landscapes and unique adventures. This guide is designed to help you explore this vast desert in a safe and exciting way.

Our Ultimate Guide:

Welcome to the essential guide to explore one of the most captivating destinations in the world: the Atacama Desert. With landscapes that seem to be from another planet and a cultural richness that will surprise you, this adventure promises to be an experience you will remember for a lifetime. Get ready to immerse yourself in a journey through lunar valleys, steaming geysers and starry skies like you’ve never seen them before.

History and Geography of the Atacama Desert:

The Atacama Desert is not only the driest non-polar desert in the world, but also a living testimony of geological and cultural history. Located in northern Chile, this desert is a mosaic of salt flats, volcanoes, geysers and altiplanic lagoons. Its terrain varies from golden sand dunes to rock formations that defy the imagination.

Preparations and Equipment:

Before venturing out, it is crucial that you prepare adequately. The weather in the desert can be extreme, with high temperatures during the day and cold at night. Be sure to bring adequate clothing for these conditions, high-strength sunscreen, plenty of water for hydration, and navigation equipment such as a GPS or a reliable map. Don’t forget your camera to capture the unique landscapes you will encounter.

Highlighted Routes:

  • Valle de la Luna: A geological wonder that will make you feel like you’re walking on the moon. Ideal for sunset hikes, when the sun tints the rock formations with vibrant colors.
  • Tatio Geysers: Located more than 4.000 meters above sea level, these geysers offer an impressive natural spectacle. Visit them at sunrise when the temperature contrast creates columns of steam.
  • Altiplanic Lagoons: These intensely colored lagoons surrounded by mountains are home to flamingos and other species. They are a perfect place for reflection and photography.

Safety Tips:

Safety is paramount in the Atacama Desert. Always inform someone about your route and plans. Carry enough water and food with you, and never underestimate the importance of staying hydrated. Be aware of the risks of extreme weather and altitude; if you feel unwell, do not hesitate to seek help.

Environmental and Cultural Impact:

As visitors to this unique place, we have a responsibility to minimize our impact. Take with you all the garbage you generate, respect wildlife and protected areas, and show consideration for local communities and their traditions.


The Atacama Desert is much more than a destination; it is an invitation to experience the majesty of nature in its purest form. With the proper preparation and respect for the environment, your trip through this desert will be an adventure you will treasure forever.


Additional Information:

For more information about guided tours, accommodation and practical tips, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you plan your perfect trip to the Atacama Desert.

Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Contact us to discover the wonders of the Atacama Desert in the hands of experts. Your unforgettable journey starts here!